These are the Rules and regulations and the conditions of participation which apply to all races in the KVARNER TRAILS series. Please read them and respect them for your own safety and security of other competitors. Also, show respect for mother nature, fair-play and organizer of the series. Thank you!
1. ORGANIZATION __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The KVARNER TRAILS series/races are being organized by company AD NATURA SPORT d.o.o. and sport club 'Drustvo sportske rekreacije AD NATURA' in cooperation with regional and local tourism boards (Kvarner Region, Gorski kotar, Municipality of Jelenje, Municipality of Moscenicka Draga, Municipality of Malinska-Dubasnica), Municipalities (Moscenicka Draga, Jelenje) as well as public institutions (Risnjak National Park, Ucka Nature Park).
2. TERMS OF PARTICIPATION __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Races are open to all competitors who meet the following conditions: - 18 years old / 18th birthday in the year in which the race/series is held is acceptable - appropriate psycho-physical fitness for running in the nature - made a complete registration for the race until the final date for the same (preregistration + payment of Entry fee)
By submitting the registration form online, each competitor directly agrees that he/she will compete in the race at his/her own risk, that he/she is familiar with the rules and regulations of the race and will abide by those and that he/she is aware of the potential risks which the KVARNER TRAILS series competitions contain.
By submitting the registration form online, each competitor directly agrees that he/she is familiar with the list of HIGHLY RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT, extremely important for his/her own safety, and that with not having the same during the race he/she is exposed to an increased risk of dehydration, hypothermia, inability to treat injuries, inability to call for help, inability to assist injured competitors and even death.
By submitting the registration form online, each competitor waives the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizer of the race to other competitors or third parties. By submitting the registration form online, each competitor certifies his/her own medical ability to participate in the race and states to have the appropriate fitness level for this kind of competition.
3. THE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A list of equipment that the organizer HIGHLY RECOMMENDS to all competitors in all series races, regardless of the length of the race: - Whistle - Backpack or waist belt - Water bottle or Camelbak (with minimum 0.5L of water / isotonic) - Food (energy gels, bars...) - First aid kit (minimum: 1 elastic bandage, 1 bandage, 2 sterile gauze swabs, adhesive bandages/sticking plasters – different sizes) - Mobile phone (switched on, fully charged, memorized organizer’s emergency contact info) - Survival blanket - Water bottle / silicone cup
There will no longer be disposable plastic / paper cups at refreshment stations. Each competitor should have their own water bottle / silicone cup in order to be able to consume the drink found at the aid station.
Recommended equipment / In accordance with weather conditions: - Rain/wind/sun protection clothing - Sunscreen - Spare clothes - Hat or buff - Gloves
4. RACE BIBS & CHIP TIMING __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Along with the start number (race bib) the competitor also receives a chip for electronic timing (integrated into the race bib). The race bib must be worn during the entire race, on the on the upper body, at the front, must not be covered and must be clearly visible (not allowed to wear it on the legs, on the back/backpack or on the side). - For violation of this rule competitor may be penalized with penalty of 15 minutes.
5. AID STATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Along the race course, aid stations will be set up offering food and drinks (or drinks only). In case of any unfair conduct or violation of the rules and regulations of the race the race officials will notify the race director & race jury who will decide upon disqualification / penalties for the competitor.
Each competitor must take into account to have enough drink/food until the next aid station or finish line. Personal assistance during the race and along the course is not allowed. Beside the final time limit there are time limits for the each aid station. After time limit aid station will be closed and all trail markers will be removed.
There will no longer be disposable plastic / paper cups at refreshment stations. Each competitor should have their own water bottle / silicone cup in order to be able to consume the drink found at the aid station.
6. CHECKPOINTS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Besides aid stations on the race will be several checkpoints with race officials. They control the passing of competitors. Checkpoints have been set up in places where it is possible to shorten the race / they are not marked on the official race profiles.
In the case of any unsportsmanlike, conduct or failure to comply with the rules and regulations of the race, or if competitors do not pass through the checkpoint, race officials will inform the race director & race jury who will decide about disqualification of competitor.
7. TRAIL MARKERS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The race runs through forest trails, narrow paths, dirt roads and a very few kilometers of paved roads. Most trails are marked with standard Croatian hiking trail markers (red-white dots/lines) but along that, the trail will be additionally marked with red-white ribbons, signs (at important trail crossings), writings and arrows on the ground (asphalt). When there are no turns or trail crossings the distance between markers can be max. 100m.
8. TIME LIMITS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Race time is limited. To be in the official ranking, the competitor must finish the race within a final time limit / cut off. Beside the final time limit there are time limits at aid stations. The competitor must leave the aid station before the time limit. After time limit aid stations will be closed and all trail markers will be removed.
9. WITHDRAWAL __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Competitors who decide to withdraw during the race must do the following: - inform organizers on the nearest aid station or - return to the start/finish line and notify the organizer about their withdrawal or - inform the organizer about their withdrawal via cell phone
If a competitor is retiring from the race due to an injury and he/she is not able to make it to the closest aid station or start/finish area he/she must to inform the race organizer via cell phone or with the help of other competitors.
Upon receipt of the information organizer will activate emergency medical and rescue team. Time of their arrival depends on the place of the injured competitor, about terrain and approach options. Depending on the cause of withdrawal the organizer will decide about the speed/time of evacuation/return to the start/finish area.
10. DISQUALIFICATION __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disqualification means immediate retiring of a competitor from the race.
A competitor will be disqualified if he/she: - Receiving a help from people not involved in the race or its organization - Throws away rubbish along the race course and endangers the flora and fauna - Uses any type of transportation during the race - Exchanges race bibs with other competitors - Uses shortcuts as well as runs on trails other than those marked for the race - Doesn’t help other competitors in difficulty - Performs any kind of misconduct and/or doesn’t respect other competitors or organizer - Doesn’t respect the decisions made by the organizers, race officials, doctors or rescue team - Inappropriate content on photos or videos published after the race where it is obvious that a competitor has not been acting respectfully towards the other competitors or the organizers
If a competitor is disqualified during/after the race organizer of the series will consider the reasons why the competitor is disqualified and he can forbid his/her participation in other races in series in the current year or for a lifetime.
A competitor can get penalties (penalties are being added after the race) for the next: - For not wearing a race bib on the on the upper body, at the front (15 min).
11. OBJECTIONS AND COMPLAINTS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ All objections and complaints must be submitted to the race director in written form, after the race and at least one hour before the prize giving ceremony. The race jury will then review all the objections and complaints and bring the final decisions.
12. RACE JURY / RACE DIRECTOR __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Race jury is made up of 3 organization members. Race director is Elvir Sulic.
13. ORGANIZER/EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS / in case of an injury/withdrawal __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you or another competitor happens to suffer from an injury, if you cannot inform the race officials on the course please contact the organizer via cell phone using the emergency number on your race bib .
14. RACECOURSE MODIFICATIONS / RACE CANCELLATION __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The organization reserves the right to modify the route / aid stations / medical and rescue team posts at any moment and without prior warning. Possible changes will be announced on the race website. In the case of unfavorable weather conditions (heavy rain/wind, strong risk of storms) the start of the race may be postponed by a maximum of 24 hours. If the conditions don't improve after that time the race will be cancelled.
15. ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The races in the series are held in the nature as well as protected natural areas (Risnjak National Park, Ucka Nature Park) and is accordingly required to abide by the basic rules of environmental protection and to respect the rules of behavior in protected natural areas.
The competitors during the race must not act against surrounding flora and fauna, leave rubbish at any part along the race course, from start to finish, except at designated aid stations. Even if it wasn’t the protected area, let’s be gentle with nature, act with caution and enjoy its beauty.
16. PHOTO/VIDEO COPYRIGHT __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By submitting the online registration form every competitor agrees that all video and photo material can be shown in public and used for race promotional purposes. Race organizer reserves the right to use, copy and distribute all recorded video and photo materials.